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Data sets

This section includes data sets that were created using data from the Quality Compendium. Data File (2014)

A spreadsheet of all of the cleaned data from from 2014 (N=39).

View Data File (2015)

A spreadsheet of all of the cleaned data from from 2015 (N=41).

Note (6/6/2022): Minor changes have been made to this dataset. All affected cells are highlighted in yellow.

View Data File (2016)

A spreadsheet of all of the cleaned data from from 2016 (N=43).

View Data File (2017)

A spreadsheet of all of the cleaned data from from 2017 (N=43).

Note (6/6/2022): Minor changes have been made to this dataset. All affected cells are highlighted in yellow.

View Data File (2019)

A spreadsheet of all of the cleaned data from from 2019 (N=45).

Note (3/16/2022): A previous version of this file had incorrect column headings for "Monitoring: Use of continuous quality improvement in rating" in the Rating tab. The column labels for "Use of CQI: Not as an indicator, but as part of the rating or quality improvement process" and "Use of CQI: No continuous quality improvement processes" were switched. The file has been corrected and reuploaded, but data files downloaded prior to the correction will still have inaccurate column labels.

Note (6/6/2022): Minor changes have been made to this dataset. All affected cells are highlighted in yellow.


2019 Participation Data Changes Spreadsheet

Data on program eligibility and participation in QRIS are among the most requested data elements by users of the Quality Compendium. These data are challenging to collect in ways that allow direct comparison across different states. For example, calculation of density of participation relies on using similar criteria across states for how the universe of eligible programs (the demoninator in density) is calculated and how the number of rated/participating programs (the numerator) is calculated. Child Trends identified challenges in interpreting the participation and density data from 2019. This spreadsheet documents data changes to produce more clear alignment across states. If you are interested in how the state originally intended to present their data, this spreadsheet provides a look at the data as states entered it. Note that this spreadsheet does not include all of the data presented on the Compendium website. To view the complete database, please refer to the 2019 Master Dataset linked on


2019 Technical Assistance Data Changes Spreadsheet

An error in the 2019 data collection process resulted in a loss of data from the technical assistance (TA) focus section of the QRIS profiles, specifically on the data element related to TA focused on infants and toddlers. The data showed that 15 state respondents had changed their answer from "yes" in 2017 to "no" in 2019, which Child Trends identified as unlikely. Child Trends used the 2017 data to manually change those states' 2019 responses from "no" to "yes." To view the complete database, please refer to the 2019 Master Dataset linked on


COVID-19 Survey Data File (2020)

A spreadsheet of cleaned data from a COVID-19 Impact Survey administered by the Quality Compendium in the fall of 2020 (​N​​​​​​=47).

View Data File (2021)

A spreadsheet of all of the cleaned data from from 2021 (N=45).

Note (6/6/2022): Minor changes have been made to this dataset. All affected cells are highlighted in yellow.

View Data File (2023)

A spreadsheet of all of the cleaned data from from 2023 (N=46).

Note (4/3/24): Minor changes have been made to this dataset. In the field Use of continuous quality improvement, the options "As an indicator, for points or levels" and "Not as an indicator, but as part of the rating or quality improvement process" have been collapsed into "Continuous quality improvement is used." Additionally, some of the participation numbers have been updated.

All affected cells are highlighted in yellow.
