- Accreditation
Accreditation is the process in which certification of credibility is presented to ECE programs that apply and meet certain standards/criteria.
- Batelle Developmental Inventory (new)
A developmental assessment tool for children between birth and age 7 (Riverside Insights, n.d.).
- Block structure
If a system utilizes a block structure, ECE programs must meet all the criteria at a certain quality level.
- Career Pathways
A sequence of stackable, portable credentials combined with the supports ECE professionals need to advance their individual career progression (Administration for Children and Families, n.d.)
- Child assessment
The process of gathering information from formal child assessment tools to evaluate development or progress and make informed instructional decisions.
- Memorandum of Agreement or Understanding (MOA/MOU)
A written agreement or understanding between parties to work together.
- Observational tools
A standardized instrument used to assess the quality of an ECE program through direct observation.
- Ongoing reliability
A regularly occurring process to ensure that individuals conducting observations or ratings have a consistent and accurate understanding and application of the tool(s) being used.
- Peer-to-Peer support
Opportunities for ECE staff to work with peers, either within their program or across other programs.
- Pilot
A test-run of a QIS that takes place in a defined service area during a specific timeframe. A pilot is designed to identify and address potential issues before broad scale implementation.
- Points structure
If a system utilizes a points structure, ECE programs have the flexibility to choose which requirements they will meet to earn points that correspond to different quality levels.
- Pre-K
A program designed for children ages 3 to 5 and funded by a state, local, or Tribal entity.
- Preschool Development Grant
A federal funding program designed to improve and expand ECE opportunities for children, particularly those from low-income families.
- Professional Development Advising
Advisors work with child care providers to explore, define, and achieve professional development goals.
- Program density
The number of ECE programs participating in a QIS with a rating or at a specific quality level out of the universe of ECE programs that could participate in the QIS.
- Program-level data
Information gathered about an individual ECE program (e.g., number of children served).
- Provider-level data
Information gathered about an individual ECE provider (e.g., preferred language)
- Quality award/bonus
A monetary award or bonus used to reward a program's quality improvement.
- School-age programs
ECE programs that serve children ages 5 and above before and/or after school.
- School-operated early childhood programs
ECE programs operating within schools
- Standard
Markers of quality established to define and promote quality ECE programming
- Work Sampling System (WSS)
An assessment tool designed to assist educators in observing, documenting and evaluating children’s development across multiple domains (Pearson Education, n.d.).
- The High Scope Preschool Curriculum
A research-based preschool curriculum to provide an academic foundation and foster the creativity and independence of children (HighScope Educational Research Foundation, n.d.).
- Learning Accomplishment Profile-Diagnostic (LAP-D)
An assessment tool used to evaluate the developmental progress of young children (Kaplan Early Learning, n.d.).
- InvestGator Club
A curriculum focused on language and literacy; social, emotional, and physical development; and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) (InvestiGator Club, n.d.).
- Strengthening Families Checklist
An assessment to help programs determine how well they are implementing strategies to strengthen families (Center for the Study of Social Policy, 2018).
- Teaching Strategies-Gold Assessment (TS-Gold)
An observational assessment tool for early childhood educators to monitor and support the development and learning of children from birth through kindergarten (Teaching Strategies, n.d.).
- The High Scope Infant/Toddler Curriculum
An evidenced-based curriculum in current child development theory, research and practice (HighScope Educational Research Foundation, n.d.).
- National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)
A nationwide non-profit organization that promotes high quality child care by strengthening the profession of family child care (National Association for Family Child Care, n.d.).
- Montessori
An educational method that encourages self-directed learning, hands on exploration and independence.
- Monitoring
The process used to track and assess an ECE programs’ performance in relation to QIS standards.
- Assessing Classroom Sociocultural Equity Scale (ACSES)
An observation tool used for measuring equitable sociocultural interactions in classrooms (Curenton et al., 2019).
- Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ)
A developmental and social-emotional screening tool for children between birth and age 6 (Ages & Stages, n.d).
- Opening the World of Learning (OWL)
A curriculum to develop language and early literacy skills in math, science, and social studies (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2014).
- National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA)
An organization that offers accreditation services to early childhood programs (National Early Childhood Program Accreditation, n.d.).
- National Center for Montessori Education
An organization dedicated to promoting high-quality education through Montessori methods in public schools (National Center for Montessori Education, n.d.)
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
A professional membership organization that promotes high-quality early learning by connecting early childhood practice, policy and research (National Association for the Education of Young Children, n.d.) .
- Equity
Ensuring that all children and families are able to access high-quality early learning opportunities by removing barriers, providing individualized supports, and engaging families to meet their needs.
- High Reach Curriculum package for Family Child Care
A hands-on educational program for family child care providers to support children’s development through structured activities and play (Child Care Network, n.d.).
- High/Scope Preschool Child Observation Record (COR)
An observation-based assessment to track children’s development progress in their language, social skills, and cognition (HighScope Educational Research Foundation, n.d.).
- Houghton Mifflin Pre-K
A hands-on curriculum aligned with key Pre-K learning goals (Kids Junction Preschool, n.d.).
- DLM Early Childhood Express
A child-centered curriculum to support the social-emotional learning, intellectual, and physical development of young children (McGraw Hill Education, n.d.).
- Early Screening Inventory-Preschool or Early Screening Inventory-Kindergarten
A developmental screening tool for children ages 3 to 5 years old to identify if they may need additional support or special education services (Pearson Assessments, n.d.).
- Creative Curriculum for Preschool
A research-based curriculum designed for children aged 3 to 5 years (Teaching Strategies, n.d.).
- Curiosity Corner
A preschool program designed for four-year-olds that uses engaging activities to support children’s early learning and development across multiple domains (Success for All Foundation, n.d.).
- Data system
A data system collects and uses various types of data to support the activities of a QIS.
- Denver Developmental Screening Test (DDST)
A test used to assess the developmental progress of children from birth to six years (Frankenburg & Dodds, 1967).
- Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL)
A screening tool to assess young children’s motor, conceptual, and language skills to determine if they need further evaluation or support in for their early learning and development (Pearson Assessments, n.d.).
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
A process of guided intentional quality improvement intended to create a culture of regular assessment and improvement to services for children and families.
- Core Knowledge Curriculum
A curriculum program (Core Knowledge Foundation, n.d.).
- Council on Accreditation (COA)
Accrediting body for organizations including early childhood programs (Social Current, n.d.).
- Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care
A research-based curriculum designed specifically for family child care programs (Teaching Strategies, n.d.).
- Startup bonus
Monetary award given to programs new to the QIS.
- System improvement strategy
The strategies used to engage in quality improvement at the systems and implementation levels.
- T.E.A.C.H. scholarship
Scholarships to support early childhood staff in earning a higher degree in early childhood or a related field.
- Technical assistance
Support provided to ECE programs or staff to help improve practice, meet quality standards, or navigate challenges. Technical assistance can be provided in a variety of formats and levels of intensity.
- Theory of change
A plan for how the QIS intends to achieve long-term goals.
- Tiered reimbursement
An approach to provide varying levels of financial support or reimbursement to ECE programs based on the quality of care provided or other factors. Programs at higher levels of their QIS, for example, may receive a higher subsidy reimbursement rate.
- Tribal early childhood programs
Tribal early childhood programs: ECE programs operated by federally-recognized Tribes.
- Validation
A process to ensure the QIS accurately measures quality of ECE programs and that ratings are consistent, reliable, and valid.
- American Montessori Society (AMS)
An accrediting body for Montessori programs (American Montessori Society, n.d.).
- Automatic rating/Alternative rating
A method that ECE programs can use to achieve a quality rating or level based on achievement of standards as defined through an "alternative" system (e.g., Head Start programs being granted an automatic rating based on their compliance with Head Start standards).
- Brigance Early Childhood Programs
Developmental screeners and assessment tools for children between birth and age 7 (Brigance® Early Childhood).
- Career Lattice or Ladder
Designated steps or levels for individual ECE professionals to advance within their career, via progression through roles such as assistant teacher, teacher and director. Career Lattice or Ladder levels typically include a combination of training, college credits, credentials, or work experience.
- Linguistic responsiveness
Actively incorporating and adapting to children’s diverse linguistic backgrounds in the learning environment.
- Logic model
A visual representing the relationships between activities and desired outcomes.
- Mentoring
Training provided to staff by a higher-level staff member.
- Licensing regulations
The state, local, or Tribal standards that an ECE program must meet to legally operate.
- Quality levels
A classification indicating the extent to which an ECE program meets established quality standards. Levels typically range from one (i.e., entry level) to the highest level (often four or five).
- Licensed ECE programs
“Programs operated in homes or facilities that fall within the regulatory system of a state or community and comply with those regulations. Many states have different licensing and regulatory requirements” (Administration for Children and Families, 2024).
- Hybrid structure
If a system utilizes a hybrid structure, quality levels are determined using a mixture of blocks (i.e., ECE programs must meet all the criteria at a certain level) and points (i.e. programs choose which requirements they will meet to earn points).
- Implementation manual
A comprehensive guide that outlines the goals, steps, and resources necessary to carry out an ECE program.
- Head Start/Early Start
A federally funded ECE program providing services to low-income families.
- Environment
The space within an ECE program, including layout and materials used.
- Evaluation
The process of assessing the effectiveness and impact of a QIS.
- Family engagement
Efforts to include families in meaningful ways in their child’s learning and development.
- Family partnerships and engagement
Opportunities to involve families in ECE program operations, ranging from parent advisory board to periodic family surveys.
- Funding stream
Sources of financial support allocated to support the QIS (CCDF) or individual ECE programs (e.g., Head Start).
- License-exempt ECE programs
“A determination by states/territories of providers who can operate legally without a license. License-exempt providers might include providers caring only for related children (e.g., person caring for grandchildren only), providers caring for a small number of children (e.g., one or two children), and facilities operating for only a few hours per day (e.g., serving children from 9-11am on Tuesdays and Thursdays only) or caring for children while adults are present (e.g., exercise facility caring for children while parent is exercising on site)” (Administration for Children and Families, 2024).
- Initial reliability
A process to ensure that individuals conducting observations or ratings have a consistent and accurate understanding and application of the tool(s) being used.
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
A law that makes free public education available to eligible children with disabilities. IDEA funding is provided to ECE programs to support special education and related services to children with disabilities (U.S. Department of Education, n.d.)
- Indicator
Characteristics that measure and evaluate the quality of an ECE program, often organized by topic or level in the QIS.
- Inclusion
An intentional practice to ensure children with identified or suspected delays, disabilities, or special medical needs can equitably participate in and access ECE program services.
- Incentives
A reward or benefit (e.g., funding, professional development opportunities, materials) given to an ECE program to promote and support improvement and maintenance of quality ECE program services.
- Environment Rating Scales (ERS; early childhood, infant/toddler, family child care, or school-age care)
A collection of tools used to assess the comprehensive quality of ECE programs, tailored to specific age groups (Teachers College Press, n.d.).
- Data linkage
Joining two or more static datasets by matching a common identifier or identifiers found in each data source (e.g., name, physical address; Data Governance Support, 2024)
- Developmental screening
A process to identify aspects of a child’s development that may require additional support using standardized tools. This process often involves partnering with family members, educators, and staff who know the child (Head Start, n.d.).
- Cultural responsiveness
Actively incorporating and adapting to children’s cultural backgrounds, values, and experiences in the learning environment.
- Curriculum
An organized framework that outlines appropriate content to learn and delineates processes to achieve curricular goals.
- Data integration
The long-term merging of data that flows from two or more sources to produce a dataset that continually updates whenever data in one original source changes (Data Governance Support, 2024).
- Coaching
An individualized approach to professional development that provides staff with close instruction.
- Community of practice
A group of people or professionals with shared interests who come together to learn from and to provide support for one another.
- Competitive contract
An agreement type between a QIS management organization and a partner organization in which multiple entities place bids on services needed.
- Culture relevance
Ensuring that learning environments reflect children’s cultural backgrounds, values, and experiences.
- Child-level data
Information gathered about an individual child (e.g., race/ethnicity, ability status).
- Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS; Pre-K, Toddler, or Infant)
An assessment tool used to determine the quality of teacher-child interactions and classroom environment in ECE programs (Teachstone, n.d).
- Improvement grant
Funds given to enhance the quality of ECE program services.
- Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF)
A federal grant program that provides funding to states with the following broad goals: 1) supporting workforce participation for low-income parents and 2) improving the quality of ECE to support child development. (Administration for Children and Families, n.d.)
- Child Care Resource and Referral Agency (CCR&R)
A local and/or statewide organization involved in supporting child care services.
- Scholastic Early Childhood Program
A comprehensive curriculum designed to support early childhood development focusing on literacy, math, science and social-emotional learning (Scholastic, n.d.).
- Quality Improvement System (QIS)
A quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) is “a method to assess, improve and communicate the level of quality in early care and education settings” (Mitchell, 2005, p. 4). The Quality Compendium uses the term quality improvement system, or QIS, to reflect the fact that some states no longer include a rating component in their system. QIS can exist on a spectrum in terms of their development and implementation and can operate statewide or in a local area. A fully functioning QIS, however, typically includes the following components: (1) quality standards for programs and practitioners, (2) an infrastructure to support programs and practitioners in meeting such standards, (3) monitoring and accountability systems to ensure compliance with quality standards, (4) ongoing financial assistance that is linked to meeting quality standards, and (5) engagement and outreach strategies (Child Trends, 2009).
- Program for Infants and Toddlers (PITC)
A professional development and training program to support the development and implementation of high-quality ECE for infants and toddlers (Program for Infant/Toddler Care, n.d.).
- Program Administration Scale (PAS)
A tool used to assess the quality of program administration in ECE programs (McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership, n.d.).
- Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)
An evidence-based tool used by health care providers and early childhood professionals to screen and assess the developmental progress of young children (Glascoe, n.d.)